SHIELD Parent Group

Knights Aloha Night Flyer

Come join us for this amazing event on February 7!

Welcome Aboard

2024-2025 SHIELD Board Members
President: Amy Fabi
Vice President: Lakesha Ross
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Christine Campos
Board Member: Renee Franklin
Board Member: Josh Turner
Board Member: Brenda Turner
Board Member: Jenna Hutson
Board Member: Kimberly Valentine
Board Member: Charlotte White
Board Member: Vacant
Knights of the Round Table Liaison: Charlene Schmidt


Hello Buckingham Family!

What a great start we have had to the school year!

The next events coming up are in November. Noche de los Muertos is a fun family evening on campus, please stop by the SHIELD table to say hello. The next day, Saturday November 4th is our annual Fall Vendor Fair and Tea Party! Come out and see all of the wonderful items our vendors have to offer.

We still have a few spots left for Vendor tables, fill out this form if you are interested.

If you would like to help at the vendor fair please sign up for a shift (or more!) on this Sign Up Genius.

To Join Our Volunteer List, Please Click This Link To Give Us Your Information.


Buckingham Shield

Join Us!

SHIELD Meetings - You're Invited!

The SHIELD Parent Group meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm.

(Please note: Meetings are subject to change if a major holiday falls on this day). Everyone is invited to attend to give your input, stay informed and get involved!

We would LOVE to hear your thoughts! 

See you there! 

2023-2024 SHIELD Meeting Minutes - Link is here

Fundraising Opportunities!

Knight Pride Beanies Fundraiser

SHIELD Beanie Flyer

Knight Pride Beanies are now on sale for only $20.00 each! There is a variety of school color schemes available. Please follow the link or QR code to order yours today!

Buy-A-Brick BCCA Fundraiser

Buy a personalized Brick for our student-maintained brick garden. Be one of the first families to have your brick installed. Your brick will be installed and maintained by students. Please support your student and the school by purchasing a brick today.
Make your name stick,
Buy a brick,
And make it quick.

Make a Memory and Purchase your Brick here: 

BCCA Buy a Break Fundraiser

Buy a Brick Fundraiser

Contact Us!

Contact Our Board Members:

[email protected]

Contact our Treasurer:

[email protected]

SHIELD Mission Statement and Purpose

The SHIELD of Buckingham exists to support, expand, and protect the students of Buckingham Collegiate Charter Academy (BCCA). The expressed purposes of the SHIELD are to solicit funds on behalf of the student body in order to provide them with greater opportunities to learn, grow, and apply the skills they have learned ultimately producing a well- rounded, deeply grounded, academically strong- minded fellow citizen.

SHIELD's directors will solicit public and private support through educational grants, donations, and other available resources. This is a representative group that also reviews, advises, and participates in decision making on matters that affect the student, parent, teachers, and school.

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